Privacy Policy

Please read carefully. By creating an account on this website you agree to the terms.

Privacy Policy Any personal information, including your email address, that you provide to Buddhist date store will be used solely for order billing, shipment, and/or technical support. Buddhist cafe store will not sell, lease, distribute, or donate your personal information to any outside entity with the following exceptions: Your shipping information (name, address, and related data) will be provided to our third party shipping providers for the express purpose of rate quoting and shipment origination. Your billing information (name, address, and related data) will be provided to our third party payment processors as necessary to support payment. Any personal information you have previously authorized, in writing, for disclosure to any named third parties may be disclosed at any time to those specified third parties. Buddhist cafe store may, from time to time, send you information about new products or services offered; you may opt out with no penalty by deselecting the "I want to receive Email from Buddhist cafe store about new products and special offers" checkbox within the "Edit Account" page on the Buddhist cafe store website.