On this Mother’s Day This Mo…

On this Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, I want to celebrate ALL mothers, especially those who walked a different path to get here. To the women who longed to be mothers and faced challenges along the way, who turned to science and waited with unwavering hope – your strength and resilience are incredible.

For those who may not have been able to become mothers themselves, know that your nurturing spirit and love touch so many lives. To those who chose adoption, foster care, or simply opened their hearts to love a child in need, you built a family through love, and that’s a beautiful thing.

And to the women who received the gift of motherhood naturally, may this day be a reminder of the preciousness of that gift. May you all cherish the bond you share with your children and never take it for granted.

Thank you, to my Mamma, for being you, giving me life , for your unconditional love and strength

Thank you also to all the amazing women in my life who have indeed been like second mothers to me. They know who they are ❤️

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